
Alan is a third year undergaraduate student at Dundee University studying Digital Interaction Design (DIxD).

After a varied career he was accepted to study Digital Interactive Design at Angus College, Arbroath, where he gained his HNC and HND qualifications.

He is currently working on a number of projects which include creating a model fishing boat which shall ring a ships bell to indicate the time of high and low tides at Arbroath. Re-designing a fax machine whereby elderly people may send hand written communications to friends and relatives without the use of too much modern technology.

Within a design group he is putting together a business plan to create and manufacture bio-degradable food containers impregnated with vegetable seeds.

Alan is also reading and researching and reading about memory loss and Alzheimer's Disease in particular for his dissertation and is hoping to create an aid for those suffers next year in the Digital Interactive Design studios.